Millennium Orion Intelligent Chess

aus Wiki, der freien Schachcomputer-Wissensdatenbank
(Weitergeleitet von Orion Intelligent Chess)

  • 16 levels of checkers
  • 10 levels for Othello/Reversi, Grashopper, 4 in a Row, Nim, Fox and Geese, and Northcote's game.
  • Includes 1040 famous chess games of the world champions; 244 games from Bobby Fischer, 244 games from Anatoly Karpov, 244 games from Garry Kasparov, 254 games from Vladimir Kramnik, as well as 20 games from the chess computer Deep Blue, 14 games from the chess computer Deep Fritz, and 20 games from the chess computer Deep Junior.
  • 30 Level Settings - Suitable for beginners through advanced players.

Categories of chess levels

  • Fun levels - 1 (weakest) to 4 (strongest). These levels are made for beginners. The computer will often make poor chess moves.
  • 15 Timed Move levels - When playing these levels the computer must move within the specified amount of time.
  • 10 Timed Game levels - Each player must complete all their moves within the given time.
  • 1 No Time Limit level - Each player must complete all their moves within the given time.
  • 5 Styles of play - Style 1 is passive (holding pieces back), and Style 5 is aggressive (advancing pieces toward the king).
  • Tutor feature will draw your attention to weak moves, and warn of computer's threats
  • Takeback past moves * lets you experiment and if you change your mind on a move.
  • Takeback up to 8 past moves for both sides in Chess
  • Takeback 1 past pair of moves in Checkers, Othello/Reversi, Grashopper, 4 in a Row, Nim, Fox and Geese, and Northcote's game
  • 100 Exercises to help improve your chess game.
  • Hint function will suggest a move to you if you need help
  • Move function will force the computer to immediately make the best move it has found so far
  • Setup a special sequence of moves, .i.e. a particular chess opening, or moves you found in a chess book.
  • Position evaluation * computer will give a score of which player has a stronger advantage.
  • Computer can explain all legal moves available for each chess piece
  • Computer can warn of weak moves, and explain better moves
  • Computer can warn if any of your pieces are being threatened
  • Computer can solve chess problems up to mate in 2 or 3
  • Capable of mate in 2 or 3 moves
  • Rated game feature
  • 1 or 2 player mode
  • Computer can act as a referee between you and a friend to make sure you both follow the rules of chess
  • Switch sides with computer during game
  • Computer can play itself
  • Large LCD Display * shows moves, teaches, and also works as a chess clock / timer
  • Piece storage compartment underneath cabinet
  • Saves Game in Memory
  • 7 playing languages selectable* English, German, French, Dutch, Portuguese, Italian, and Spanish
  • Requires 4 AA batteries