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Excalibur Sabre IV

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Excalibur Sabre IV, 901E-4
Hersteller Excalibur
Markteinführung 2001
CElo 1367 (aktiv)
Programmierer Nelson, Ron
Prozessor Takt RAM ROM
S3C72K8 1.5 MHz 512 Bytes 8 KB
Rechentiefe BT-2450 BT-2630 Colditz
mindestens 6 Halbzüge - - 1705
Bibliothek 250 Halbzüge
Display Ja
Spielstufen 73
Zugeingabe Drucksensorbrett
Zugausgabe Display
Einführungspreis 25 €
Prozessortyp 4 Bit Singlechip
Stromversorgung Batterie (3 x AA).
Maße 19 x 23 x 2,5 cm; Spielfeld = 16,4 x 16,4 cm
Verwandt Excalibur Crusader, Krypton Meteor

  • Kein Permanent Brain
  • Der Modellname ist nicht immer auf dem Computer oder der Bedienungsanleitung ersichtlich, es gibt auch Modelle mit rechts unten "Electronic Chess Game" statt "Sabre IV".

Level Infobox
30 Sek / Zug 30 Min / Partie 60 Sek / Zug 60 Min / Partie Turnier Analyse
~20 - ~32 - ~72 (144 sec/zug) 73

The first four levels (1 - 4) are beginner-levels, they take approximately 4, 8, 12 and 16 seconds per move.

Level 5 computes exactly one ply.
Levels 6 to 15 take about one second per level number per move, e.g. level 10 takes about 10 seconds per move.
Level 16 to 72 take about two seconds per level number, so level 16 should take about 32 seconds per move.
Level 73 is the infinite analysis level.
Remark: We have to do some more tests on the levels. For instance, level 16 has in practice an average of 20 to 24 seconds per move, comes very seldom above the 30 seconds. Level 20 seems more appropriate as the 30 sec/move level. For the 60 sec/move level I did not start testing yet. Also level 72 should be tested about it's average move time.


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