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Splice Byte XD-300

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Splice Byte XD-300

C Picture by Michael Watters - Chess Computer UK

Hersteller Splice
Markteinführung 1980 (?)
CElo 1311
Programmierer Nelson, Ron
Prozessor Takt RAM ROM
Z80 ~3,6 MHz (3,582 MHz) 256 Bytes 4 KB
Rechentiefe BT-2450 BT-2630 Colditz
Bibliothek 69 Positionen
Display 4-stellige 7-Segment LED Anzeige
Spielstufen 7
Zugeingabe Tastatur
Zugausgabe Display
Prozessortyp 8 Bit
Stromversorgung Netzteil: 9V/350mA DC (Cinch-Stecker, Plus innen)
Verwandt Fidelity Chess Challenger 7
Clone of the Fidelity Chess Challenger 7

An analysis of the XD-300 revealed what it seems to be a clone of the Fidelity Chess Challenger 7. There are some minor differences, for example, the pads between the keypad and the sensors underneath the board are very different giving a different feeling when you press the keys. Not better or worse, just different. Also, it uses a true speaker instead of a piezo beeper as in the Fidelity Chess Challenger 7. But the hardware architecture is the same (CPU type and signal clock, RAM, etc.), and the content of the ROM is identical.

Comparison with Fidelity Chess Challenger 7

Speaker instead of Buzzer
CPU: Z80 at 4MHz as Fidelity CC7
Fidelity CC7 vs Byte XD-300
The ROM are equal bitwise!

C Pictures by Michael Watters - Chess Computer UK

This seems like a modern (and patched) version of the same computer (1982?)


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