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Novag Chess Wizard IQ V

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Chess Wizard IQ V (Art.6505)
Hersteller Novag
Markteinführung 1996
CElo 2032
Programmierer Kittinger, David
Prozessor Takt RAM ROM
Hitachi H8/3258 (rom B84) 26,6 MHz (internal 13,3 MHz) 1 KB 32 KB
Rechentiefe BT-2450 BT-2630 Colditz
16 Halbzüge 1958 / 1972
Bibliothek 13.000 Halbzüge
Display 7 Segment LCD Anzeige
Spielstufen 56
Zugeingabe Drucksensoren
Zugausgabe 16 Rand LED's
Prozessortyp 8 Bit, Singlechip
Stromversorgung Novag 8210, 9V / 0.3A (Plus außen!) / 6 x AA
Maße 27,3 x 27,5 x 2,8 cm
Verwandt Novag Jade II, Novag Aquamarine RISC II 26.6 MHz, Novag Emerald Classic plus, Novag Turquoise
Clone of Novag Zircon II exported by MITCO Industries Ltd. from Hong Kong

Level Infobox
30 Sek / Zug 30 Min / Partie 60 Sek / Zug 60 Min / Partie Turnier Analyse
AT 5 SD 5 AT 6 SD 6 TR 7 AN 8

Tests performed by MECA Team have shown that this computer is an exact clone of Novag Zircon II, but exported two years later by MITCO Industries Ltd. from Hong Kong.
There are (like with the Aquamarine RISC II) also models that run at 16 MHz, and thus score a bit higher in the BT-2630 test.


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