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Hall of Fame En

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The Hall of Fame of chess computers lists remarkable topics in conjunction with dedicated chess computers.

   The first commercial chess computer
   The first chess computer with correct notation
   First chess computer that playes with white and black
   First chess computer that plays a correct castling
   First chess computer that plays en-passant correctly
   First chess computer with an complete pawn promotion
   First chess computer that recognises a threefold repetition
   First chess computer that recognises the 50 move rule
   First chess computer that mates with a queen
   First chess computer that mates with 2 rocks
   First chess computer that mates with one rock
   First chess computer that mates with 2 bishops
   First chess computer that mates with knight and bishop
   First chess computer with opening library
   First chess computer with digital voice
   First chess computer that can be used without power
   First travel chess computer with batteries and pinboard
   The first pressure-sensor board
   The first auto-sensor board
   First chess computer that plays selective
   First chess computer with different playing styles
   First chess computer with infinite levels
   First chess computer with permanent brain
   First LCD-board for chess computers
   First chess computer with integrated LCD-board
   First chess computer with Quad-LED-board (four LED per field)
   The strongest
   The weakest, see also Seekadettenmatt
   The one that calculates at leasts positions
   The smallest sensor pinboard
   The biggest sensor pinboard
   The smallest non-sensor pinboard
   The smallest pressure-sensor board
   The biggest pressure-sensor board
   The smallest wooden magnet-sensor board
   The biggest wooden magnet-sensor board
   The first winner of a Micro Computer Chess World Championchip, see also WMCCC
   The first microcomputer that wins an open Chess World Championchip, see also WCCC
   The Defective, in the case it should run, please let us know. But better don't switch it on!
   First win of a chess computer against a chess master under tournament conditions

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