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Colditz Test

A collection of 30 tests to identify tactical play strength. Originally written by Karl Colditz in the book "Lern-, Practice and Chess Combination Tests" (German) published by Falken Verlag. These tests are also well suited for testing the tactical strength of weaker chess computers. Each test is timed until the correct move is shown in the display of the computer using the chess computer's Analysis Level. If the correct move is displayed immediately, then the correct move needs to be observed for a little while longer (minimum 1 minute extra) in order to ensure that the move was not picked by chance. The highest amount of time allowed for each correct move solution is 30 minutes.
If the chess computer does not have a display, a more intensive test method will have to be used. The chess computer will try to play the correct move starting with Tournament Level. If the move is found/not found, then the position is replayed at a lower level/or a higher level. The lowest time for the correct move observed will be noted and used in this Test.
The times for all the tests are evaluated by the software program EloStatTS 1.0. 1800 ELO points are used as the "Start value". For every move not found there is a deduction of 10 points as shown in the list below (Column: LOW). In the above named book by Karl Colditz different score values are provided for each test dependant on level of difficulty, sorted and summed accordingly.

The 30 Test Positions of the Colditz Test

Position 01
Position 02
Position 03
Position 04
Position 05
Position 06
Position 07
Position 08
Position 09
2 moves to solve 1.Rg1 and 2.Lf8+
Position 10
Position 11
Position 12
Position 13
Position 14
Position 15
2 moves to solve 1.Qa3 and 2.Lxh7+
Position 16
Position 17
Position 18
Position 19
Position 20
Position 21
Position 22
Position 23
Position 24
Position 25
Position 26
Position 27
Position 28
Position 29
Position 30
2 moves to solve 1.Qa8 + 2.Lxe5+

Basis points

Position 1 Position 2 Position 3 Position 4 Position 5 Position 6 Position 7 Position 8 Position 9 Position 10
25 Points 25 Points 25 Points 30 Points 30 Points 35 Points 35 Points 35 Points 40 Points 40 Points
Position 11 Position 12 Position 13 Position 14 Position 15 Position 16 Position 17 Position 18 Position 19 Position 20
25 Points 25 Points 25 Points 30 Points 30 Points 35 Points 35 Points 40 Points 40 Points 40 Points
Position 21 Position 22 Position 23 Position 24 Position 25 Position 26 Position 27 Position 28 Position 29 Position 30
25 Points 25 Points 30 Points 30 Points 35 Points 35 Points 35 Points 40 Points 40 Points 40 Points

Evaluation table

Points Elo Points Elo Points Elo Points Elo Points Elo Points Elo Points Elo
1960 2360 1945 2320 1930 2280 1915 2240 1900 2200 1892 2180 1883 2160
Points Elo Points Elo Points Elo Points Elo Points Elo Points Elo Points Elo
1874 2140 1865 2120 1856 2100 1848 2080 1839 2060 1830 2040 1809 2020
Points Elo Points Elo Points Elo Points Elo Points Elo Points Elo Points Elo
1788 2000 1766 1980 1745 1960 1724 1940 1703 1920 1681 1900 1660 1880
Points Elo Points Elo Points Elo Points Elo Points Elo Points Elo Points Elo
1646 1860 1633 1840 1619 1820 1605 1800 1591 1780 1578 1760 1564 1740
Points Elo Points Elo Points Elo Points Elo Points Elo Points Elo Points Elo
1550 1720 1515 1700 1480 1680 1445 1660 1410 1640 1375 1620 1340 1600
Points Elo Points Elo Points Elo Points Elo Points Elo Points Elo Points Elo
1305 1580 1270 1560 1231 1540 1193 1520 1154 1500 1038 1440 960 1400

Computer Points Elo (Colditz)
Mephisto B&P 1826,5 2040
Novag Super Constellation 1732,5 1950
Novag Constellation 3.6 1732,5 1950
Novag Constellation 1666 1880
Novag Beluga 1658 1878
SciSys Turbostar 432 1621 1820
Mephisto Modena 1570 1749
Mephisto Super Mondial 1570 1749
Novag Agate 1473,5 1680
Mephisto Rebell 5.0 1424,4 1650
SciSys Superstar 28K 1400,5 1630
SciSys Chess Champion Mark V 1375 1620
Mephisto Europa 1254 1552
Mephisto II 1113 1480
Chafitz Boris 250,5 Elo
Fidelity Excellence 6080/6080 B 1625 1830
Fidelity Excellence EP12 1671 1890
Fidelity Excellence Voice 1625 1830
Fidelity Excel Display 1625 1830
Fidelity Septennial 1471,5 1675
Fidelity Elegance 3,6 1674 1895
Fidelity Mach II "C" L.A.-Version 1733 1950
Fidelity Mach III 1783,5 1995
Fidelity Par Excellence 10 MHz 1787 2000
Fidelity Elite A/S Challenger 1621 1820
Fidelity Elite A/S Budapest 3,6 1575,5 1755
Fidelity Elite A/S Budapest 8 MHz 1708 1925
Fidelity Elite A/S Glasgow 8 MHz 1713 1930
Fidelity Elite A/S Glasgow 1683 1900
Fidelity Prestige 1584 1770
Fidelity Prestige Glasgow 1677,5 1895
Fidelity Designer 2000 1661,5 1880
Fidelity Designer 2000 8 MHz folgt folgt
Fidelity Excel 68000 1696,5 1915
Fidelity Super 9 1454,5 1665
Fidelity Phantom 1699 1920
Fidelity Elite Avant Garde 2100 1699 1920
Fidelity Designer 2100 1659 1880
Fidelity Sensory Champion 1451 1660
Fidelity Sensory 12 3 MHz 1654,5 1870
Fidelity Sensory 12 "B" 4 MHz 1680 1900
Fidelity Sensory 9 1484,5 1680
Fidelity Sensory 9 "B" 2 MHz 1539 1715
Fidelity Playmatic S 1603,5 1800
Fidelity Playmatic S helle Vorserie 1630,5 1835
Gerät Points Elo

Individual results

Computer Position Time
Fidelity Mach III 11 (Dxf4) 0:10
Fidelity Par Excellence 16 MHz 11 (Dxf4) 0:35
Computer Move Time
Computer Move Time
Computer Move Time
Computer Move Time

Alternative test evaluation

Tactical Strength (Colditz) of various Chess Computers, ELOStatTS Evaluation, Start Value 1800 Elo
Program Elo LOW +/- Matches Score Av.Op. S.Pos. 1 Tiger Grenadier/H8-20MHz  : 1983 +-0 10 990 74.9 % 1793 30/ 30 2 Minimax Java/PIII-1400MHz  : 1980 -10 11 980 75.6 % 1794 29/ 30 3 Mephisto Montana/H8-10MHz  : 1953 +-0 10 990 71.4 % 1794 30/ 30 4 Conchess Glasgow/6502-6.4MHz  : 1884 -10 10 963 63.6 % 1797 29/ 30 5 Conchess Amsterdam/6502-6.4MHz  : 1883 +-0 10 990 62.1 % 1797 30/ 30 6 CXG Super Crown/6301-16MHz  : 1879 +-0 10 990 61.7 % 1797 30/ 30 7 Novag Forte B/6502-4MHz  : 1864 -10 10 963 60.8 % 1798 29/ 30 8 Mephisto MM V/6502-5Mhz  : 1863 -30 12 931 63.3 % 1799 27/ 30 9 Conchess T/6502-4MHz  : 1854 -10 10 963 59.4 % 1798 29/ 30 10 Mephisto MM II/6502-3.7MHz  : 1846 -10 10 963 58.3 % 1798 29/ 30 11 Mephisto B&P/6502-3.7MHz  : 1843 -10 10 963 57.8 % 1798 29/ 30 12 Novag Expert/6502-4MHz  : 1824 -20 10 941 56.3 % 1800 28/ 30 13 CXG Sphinx Dominator/6502-4Mhz  : 1823 -40 12 926 58.9 % 1800 26/ 30 14 Novag Super Constellation/6502-4MHz  : 1810 -20 10 941 54.2 % 1800 28/ 30 15 Novag Constellation 3.6/6502-3.6MHz  : 1810 -20 10 941 54.3 % 1800 28/ 30 16 CXG Super Enterprise/6301-8MHz  : 1809 +-0 11 990 51.5 % 1799 30/ 30 17 Mephisto Amsterdam/68000-12MHz  : 1798 -20 12 941 52.6 % 1800 28/ 30 18 Mephisto Schachschule II/H8-8MHz  : 1798 -40 12 921 55.1 % 1802 26/ 30 19 Mephisto Polgar Sel.3/6502-5MHz  : 1795 -60 12 913 57.6 % 1802 24/ 30 20 Fidelity Elite Glasgow/6502-3.2MHz  : 1778 -20 11 941 49.5 % 1801 28/ 30 21 Novag Constellation/6502-2MHz  : 1758 -20 10 941 46.6 % 1802 28/ 30 22 Fidelity Elite A/S Challenger/6502-3.2MHz : 1751 -20 11 941 45.5 % 1802 28/ 30 23 Fidelity Playmatic S/6502-3MHz  : 1750 -20 11 941 45.4 % 1802 28/ 30 24 Krypton Challenge/H8-10MHz  : 1720 -50 12 914 45.0 % 1805 25/ 30 25 Scisys Turbostar 432/6502-4MHz  : 1711 -30 11 929 41.0 % 1804 27/ 30 26 CXG Sphinx 40/68000-8MHz  : 1701 -60 12 906 43.6 % 1806 24/ 30 27 Fidelity Sensory 9/6502-1.6MHz  : 1655 -40 11 926 34.7 % 1805 26/ 30 28 SciSys Superstar 28 K/6502-2MHz  : 1618 -60 12 909 32.1 % 1808 24/ 30 29 Mephisto Supermini/M50747-8MHz  : 1615 -90 14 901 35.5 % 1809 21/ 30 30 Mephisto S/68000-12MHz  : 1583 -70 13 916 29.0 % 1809 23/ 30 31 Chafitz Steinitz Edition/6202-2MHz  : 1582 -60 12 914 27.7 % 1809 24/ 30 32 Mephisto II/1802-6.1MHz  : 1485 -90 13 899 20.3 % 1812 21/ 30 33 Mephisto III/1806-8MHz  : 1478 -80 13 899 18.7 % 1813 22/ 30 34 Millennium Schachpartner 2000/M-111  : 1458 -150 16 893 23.6 % 1812 15/ 30 LOW = in Column Elo built-in points reduction of 10 Elo per NOT SOLVED position

Instructions for: PGN File Times shown after the slash (/) were taken from CSS. Example: 'Mephisto II/1802-6.1MHz' 1200s / 25. Unfortunately these were not always complete. E.G. in CSS 1/84 the position # 101 showed only >10 Minutes for Mephisto II and III. In these situations an average/middle value was chosen. In this case 1200 seconds for both, since the solution showed a value between 600 and 1800 seconds. Hopefully the true values were not too badly corrupted because of this. It would be best to re-test any questionable results. Values after the slash (/) (as per above example # 25) show the original Colditz points. These are however irrelevant for an EloStatTS evaluation.

NOT TESTED dedicated Chess Computers below 1900 Elo

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